As a federally registered 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization, we receive most of our funding through private donations and grants, with some support from foundation grants and corporate sponsorship.
As a federally registered 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization, we receive most of our funding through private donations and grants, with some support from foundation grants and corporate sponsorship.
Make a general donation using the form below. To donate to our Officer Safety fund or Sponsor an Officer program, please note your intent in the comments.
Help Keep Us Rolling

Some of the ways we use private donations are to fund scholarships for training animal control officers, animal welfare investigators and first responders across the country; to purchase equipment to stock our rescue truck BART so we are prepared to respond to any disaster; and to fuel BART so it can appear at conferences around the country to educate the public about animal disaster response.
Like our training and rescue efforts, our administrative tasks are centered on Code 3’s mission to support animal-related law enforcement and emergency response. We pride ourselves on keeping administrative costs as low as possible, and on being good stewards of every contribution we receive.
If you’d like to direct your donation to training, you may tell us where you would like your dollars spent, and can be as specific as your own town to as broad as the entire country.
Donations given to our Officer Safety fund will go to fulfill officers’ grant requests for body armor and other protective equipment. Donations given to our Sponsor an Officer program will provide scholarships for animal control officers, animal crime investigators and emergency responders to attend much needed training.
Donations through this site are securely made through PayPal, using a PayPal account or credit card, and donations may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. We appreciate every contribution and strive to use it responsibly.
On behalf of the animals in need and the trained professionals and volunteers who serve them and their communities, we deeply appreciate your support of the work we do. We couldn’t do it without you.
-The Code 3 Associates Staff
Help Keep Us Rolling!

Some of the ways we use private donations are to fund scholarships for training animal control officers, animal welfare investigators and first responders across the country; to purchase equipment to stock our rescue truck BART so we are prepared to respond to any disaster; and to fuel BART so it can appear at conferences around the country to educate the public about animal disaster response.
Like our training and rescue efforts, our administrative tasks are centered on Code 3’s mission to support animal-related law enforcement and emergency response. We pride ourselves on keeping administrative costs as low as possible, and on being good stewards of every contribution we receive.
If you’d like to direct your donation to training, you may tell us where you would like your dollars spent, and can be as specific as your own town to as broad as the entire country.
Donations given to our Sponsor an Officer program will provide scholarships for animal control officers, animal crime investigators and emergency responders to attend much needed training.
Donations through this site are securely made through PayPal, using a PayPal account or credit card, and donations may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. We appreciate every contribution and strive to use it responsibly.
On behalf of the animals in need and the trained professionals and volunteers who serve them and their communities, we deeply appreciate your support of the work we do. We couldn’t do it without you.
-The Code 3 Associates Staff


Each day, thousands of animal protection professionals leave their homes and loved ones to safeguard the millions of animals and citizens in the United States. Animal calls can be highly emotional events, where distraught pet owners or upset neighbors can become unpredictable and even violent. Additionally, officers frequently contend with dangerous animals or exotic species and wildlife. Without this proper equipment officers are at risk of becoming injured.
The Officer Safety Fund goal is to host grant opportunities to fill requests for body armor and other protective equipment. Please partner with us to help provide future funding for this program so we can continue providing protection to these first responders and reduce the risks they face on a daily basis.

Donations given to our Sponsor an Officer program are specially designated to help others with the cost of training. This training has a direct impact on caring and saving vulnerable animal lives in moments of need.
Your contributions will provide much-needed scholarships for officers and first responders, such as:
- Animal Control Officers
- Animal Crime Investigators
- Emergency Responders
Donations through this website are secure and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. We appreciate every contribution and commit to investing it responsibly.
Thank you for sponsoring!