Case Study
In Your Own Back Yard: Puppy Mill That You Didn’t Think Was There.
June 23, 2021 – 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (EDT) – Virtual
This case study goes over a case that occurred in Cherokee County Georgia in 2014. It goes over the investigation an eventual seizure of over 350 animals for a breeding operation after an neighboring jurisdiction received a complaint. The case took around five months from the time the call came in, investigation to eventually large scale seizure of the animal, charges to the owner and getting to adopt out the animals two months after the seizure. Presented by Nichalas Liddle
This case study is for ACO Coalition members only – members will find registration links on the ACO Coalition Member Resources page.
If you are not a member, our Animal Control Officer (ACO) Coalition offers exceptional education and resource development, as well as access to collaborate with a network of specialized professionals. The program is 100% built by ACOs to serve ACOs, their partners, and their communities. The goal is to provide animal control officers with the support, training, and resources to allow them to thrive in their career. Click here to learn more and/or join our group of ACOs for amazing support, training, and resources.


Date & Time

Online Case Study,
Online bookings are not available for this class.