Equine Investigations Academy (EIA)
Credentialed Equine Cruelty Investigations Training
Level II ‐ May 24-29, 2021 ‐ Durango, CO
The Equine Investigations Academy (EIA) provides training in the different aspects of horse abuse investigations. This in-residence academy uses classroom and hands-on instruction with a large number of horses to teach a systematic approach for equine cruelty investigators.
Level II Topics May Include
- Equine Sports Abuse and Abusive Tack
- Foot and Leg Care
- Advanced Anatomy
- Dealing with Questionable Professionals
- Horse Auctions
- Horse Hoarders
- Disaster Planning (with Practcal)
- Cardiac Recovery Index and Vital Signs
- Body Condition Scoring
- Basic Ropes and Knots
Tuition, Registration & Payment
Tuition for the Equine Investigations Academy Level II is $1850 per person. Lodging and meals are included in the tuition.
Registration should be received prior to class start date. To register, download, complete and submit this registration form, online registration is not available for this academy. EIA Registration Form
Full payment is due by the first day of class.
Date & Time
Durango, CO
Online bookings are not available for this class.