Equine Investigations Academy (EIA) Level I

Credentialed Equine Cruelty Investigations Training
Level I ‐ May 19-May 24, 2025 ‐ Durango, CO

The Equine Investigations Academy (EIA) provides training in the different aspects of horse abuse investigations. This in-residence academy uses classroom and hands-on instruction with a large number of horses to teach a systematic approach for equine cruelty investigators.

The Equine Investigations Academy (EIA) is a specialized academy that provides comprehensive training in various aspects of horse abuse investigations. This academy utilizes a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience to educate and equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge required for effective equine cruelty investigations. The training involves working closely with a substantial number of horses, allowing students to gain practical experience and develop a systematic approach to investigating cases of equine abuse.

The curriculum at EIA covers various topics related to equine welfare, animal behavior, veterinary care, legal aspects of animal cruelty, evidence collection and preservation, communication strategies, and collaboration with law enforcement and animal welfare agencies. Students are taught to approach equine cruelty investigations methodically and ethically, ensuring the well-being and protection of horses.

Through practical training and guidance from experienced instructors, participants learn how to recognize signs of abuse, conduct thorough investigations, build strong cases for prosecution, and advocate for the welfare of horses. The academy emphasizes the importance of proper documentation, adherence to legal procedures, and collaboration with relevant authorities to successfully resolve cases involving equine abuse.

Overall, the Equine Investigations Academy strives to produce highly skilled and dedicated equine cruelty investigators committed to safeguarding horses’ welfare and rights through practical investigation and advocacy.

Level I Topics May Include

  • Equine Psychology and Behavior
  • Identification
  • Body Condition Scoring
  • Anatomy
  • Veterinary Care
  • Foot and Leg Care
  • Property Inspections
  • Catching and Handling
  • Vital Signs
  • First Aid
  • Nutrition
  • Search and Seizure

Tuition, Registration & Payment

The Equine Investigations Academy Level I tuition is $1950 (shared room) per person or $2250 (private room) per person. Private rooms are limited and often not available.  This is an in-residence program where students stay on-site.  Lodging and meals are included in the tuition.

Please return the registration information email no later than 45 days before the course starts.  Register early as courses fill up quickly. We will notify you once you are enrolled or on the waitlist.

To register, download, complete, and submit this registration form, online registration is not available for this academy. EIA Registration Form

Training participants will be assessed a 25% fee on any cancellation made two weeks or less before the class date; no refunds will be issued if the cancellation is made 0-5 days before the training. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances and/or credits could be applied to future Code 3 training, and please get in touch with us regarding all cancellations.

Location and Lodging

The Equine Investigations Academy is an in-residence academy in Durango, CO. Lodging and meals are included in tuition.



Online bookings are not available for this class.