Online Classes mobile(1)


Can’t attend in-person classes? Code 3 has you covered!

Join our Virtual EAST Academy
Experience high-quality education from the comfort of your home. Our Virtual EAST Academy offers a comprehensive learning experience with expert instructors and interactive sessions.

Expanded Virtual Education Series
Take advantage of our expanded education series, featuring a range of topics to enhance your skills and knowledge. These series are designed to be engaging and informative, ensuring you stay ahead in your field.

Flexible Self-Paced Courses
Learn at your own pace with our flexible self-paced courses. Whether you have a busy schedule or prefer to take your time, these courses are tailored to fit your needs.

Check Out Our Scheduled Online Classes and Self-Paced Options Below
Explore our scheduled online classes and self-paced options. Train with us from home and advance your career with Code 3.

Live Virtual Training Series Returns

We are excited to announce the return of Code 3 Associates Virtual Training Series, commencing on September 11, 2024, and running through May 21, 2025. This year’s series promises to deliver a comprehensive and engaging lineup of courses.

Course Schedule:

Classes will be held every other Wednesday with the exception of around the holidays. We look forward to your participation in this enriching series.

Continuing Education Credit

Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate of completion and become eligible to apply for continuing education credits from Colorado State University. Veterinary professionals may apply to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

All virtual classes are approved for Colorado Bureau of Animal Protection Agents for CE credit.

Available Courses

Self Paced Courses


“I was pleased with the expertise and firsthand knowledge of the instructors. I’ve learned a lot and was able to go back through cases that I’ve worked picking out what I could have done differently based on this new training.”

—Anna K.